General Info

Causes of eczema

Types of Eczema

Eczema in specific localisations


User survey

How is eczema diagnosed?

Several types of eczema with differing aetiologic factors may display a similar clinical picture, which makes an elaborate anamnesis mandatory. For diagnosing eczema we recommend the following diagnostic procedure:

I. Anamnesis

  • Onset of disease
  • Time flow of eczema and relations to certain activities (season, time of day, occupation, improvement during holidays, hobbies, stress etc.)
  • Does the localisation of eczema correlate with exposure to possible triggers (direct skin contact, food, animals)?
  • Which treatments have been performed (local/systemic) and how was the patient’s experience with these?
  • Contact to possible irritants and allergens (chemicals, detergents, metal, plants, leather or rubber gloves etc.)
  • Where is the eczema localised (hands, feet, face, neck, flexural folds of the extremities)?
  • Former dermatitis (atopic anamnesis)
  • Family history

II. Clinical examination

  • Total-body examination and documentation of skin changes, photography if indicated
  • Atopic criteria

III. Laboratory tests and skin tests (if indicated)

  • IgE, specific IgE
  • Prick testing
  • Patch testing
  • Atopy patch test
  • Exposition tests
  • Mycology, bacteriology
  • Histopathology Uni Heidelberg