Seborrhoeic dermatitis
Therapy includes the use of
- topical azoles (e.g. ketoconazole), either as shampoo or cream (1% or 2%).
Second-line treatment options are
- zinc pyrithione
- sulfur (2%) and tar shampoos (scalp)
- metronidazole
- sulfur or lithium succinate creams (face)
In the initial stages of treatment and depending on the individual skin condition, topical corticosteroids and emollients may be additionally applied. Topical immunomodulators may be useful in severe cases if topical corticosteroids fail. Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis usually responds to the use of mild shampoos and application of emollients. Ketoconazole 2 % cream is indicated for severe cases or those not responding to simple skin care measures. Short courses of topical glucocorticosteroids should be limited to the forms of infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis with prominent inflammation and flares.